Phone: 903.872.4442
Fax: 903.872.2125

How can therapy help me?
Therapy can be good for anyone who is looking for help. Therapists are trained to provide support, coping and problem-solving skills, and to help you attain a better understanding of yourself. Therapists adopt theories and methods to their counseling style that have been tested and proven. Not all counselors work using the same theories and methods. Check out our therapist’s profiles to see what they provide.
How does it work? What do I have to do in sessions?
Each therapy session is unique to the client because everyone who comes to counseling is different and has different issues. Our counselors tailor their approach to your specific needs. Our sessions are 45-50 minutes long depending on the therapist. In your first visit, we will ask a lot of questions to understand your situation. From there, you and your counselor will come up with a plan for therapy that suits your needs.
How long does therapy take?
We want to make you feel better quickly, so our hope is that we can work through what you’ve got going on and send you on your way. Our goal is to work ourselves out of a job. We want you to get better. That being said, everyone is different and, therefore, has different problems/issues/difficulties they’re coming in for. Some of those things can be from early childhood or can be so traumatic that it may take several sessions to work through. For some, therapy may only last 4-10 sessions. When you come in for therapy, your therapist will work with you on developing a plan for action and set a goal date for you to complete therapy.
We understand that once our clients are “better”, life continues to take place and things happen. We want to always have an open-door policy where you can schedule with your therapist at any time throughout the year, even for a check-up.
What can I expect from therapy?
When you go in for therapy, you will work with one of our clinicians who has been trained in clinical techniques to help people with their problems. Sometimes a session may be one of conversation, other times the therapist may assign you homework and give you tasks to complete during session or during the week. Through therapy, you will learn tools and techniques to help you think better and become the best version of you.
How can I get the most of out of therapy?
Take it seriously. You will get as much out of therapy as you put in. If your therapist gives you tasks to complete during the week, complete them.
Make notes of your progress and come in to your session with updates and questions. Our therapists are always ready to help.
Being honest and vulnerable in session is the best policy. To bring about true healing at the core, one must be able to open up about those hard places. Your therapist can only help you based on what you tell them. If there is more that you are not telling, you will not be able to get help in those areas. That’s why true healing only comes by being honest. This is a hard one for people, and for good reason. We normally don’t like to share the hard or shameful things about ourselves with people. Remember, this is what our therapists are there for. We have heard it all! There is nothing you can say that will make us not like you or not want to help you.
If we’re having problems in our relationship, should we be in individual counseling or come together?
Is the relationship abusive? If so, we recommend coming separately for a time until the abuse subsides. We will give you separate counselors to start with. Then, when the abuse is gone, we will either have both of your therapists come together for a dual session or have you see a third counselor to act as your couples counselor.
Is the relationship rocky, but not abusive? Come to therapy together.
When and how do I pay for sessions?
You will pay for each session directly after your session. Our receptionist will take your payment. If you would like to pay by card, we have your card on file because of our 24-hour cancelation/no show policy. If you are having an in-person session, you may also pay by cash or check. We require card payment for online and phone sessions.
For children and adolescents, we will charge the card on file unless otherwise discussed by parents/guardians.
What is the cancelation policy?
There is a 24-hour cancelation/no show policy. We keep a credit card on file and are required to charge the full amount of a session in the case you forget to cancel an appointment 24 hours in advance or fail to show up to your appointment. Insurance does not cover missed session fees. If you need to cancel an appointment, call in 24-hours in advance. If it is outside of business hours when you call to cancel, feel free to leave a message and we will cancel your appointment accordingly.
What is the difference between a psychotherapist, a psychiatrist, and a psychologist?
Psychotherapists (aka: counselors & therapists) are clinically trained to diagnose and help clients with mental health issues. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in treatment of the mentally ill, usually with medication. A psychologist specializes in testing and research of human behavior.