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Charlotte M. Kimmel, Ph.D.

Charlotte M. Kimmel, Ph.D., is a Licensed Psychologist who was the Director of Psychology Services at Mexia State Supported Living Center in Mexia, Texas for eleven years. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Texas Chapter, AAIDD and served as their President in 2004. She is also a past Board Member of the Texas Psychological Association and served as the Secretary for the Forensic Division for five years. Dr. Kimmel was inducted as a Fellow with AAIDD in September, 2005. She has over forty years of experience in working with persons with mental disabilities with a specialty in developmental disabilities, particularly persons with co-occurring mental disorders and also offenders with intellectual disabilities.
Dr. Kimmel has over eighteen years of experience completing forensic evaluations for the court system, particularly with juveniles and adults with intellectual disabilities. She received her doctorate in 1988 from Texas A&M University in School Psychology.